
Get your ad on Pier Trucker today. Be seen by thousands of port drivers and drayage companies.
Start today

How It Works

Start running ad in three easy steps.
  1. Contact Pier Trucker
  2. Let us design your ad banner (free of charge) or design it yourself.
  3. Setup your payment so we can start running your ad (regular price $225 per month).
When we run your ad the following will happen:
  • Your Ad will be shown 40,000 times a month.
  • Ad banner will be displayed randomly in different places on Pier Trucker website and mobile app.
  • Your ad will target specific market, such as Los Angeles or Seattle / Tacoma or Oakland or New York / New Jersey etc.
  • Pier Trucker will send you monthly Ad Performance Report which includes impressions, clicks and other metrics.

Ad Specs

If you want to design banner yourself, please follow the following specifications:
  • Banner size: 1334x208 (W x H in Pixels)
  • File type: JPG, GIF, PNG (animated files allowed)

Ad Design Process

For Pier Trucker to design your ad please send us the following info:
  • Three sentences or less you want on a banner.
  • Contact info you want on a banner (phone number/email address/web site).
  • High resolution company logo (optional).
Pier Trucker will send you designed banner for approval.

Ad Examples